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Kilronan School, Magherafelt


Hello and welcome to our class webpage. We are a busy class of nine pupils. We access the NI Curriculum through play based learning and a multi-sensory approach.  Please have a look through our photos to see our super learning journey in J3. 



2nd May 2024
22nd Oct 2023
During the first term, we have been busy building positive relationships with our...

Latest Photographs

Pupils are busy during play based learning.
Pupils are busy during play based learning.
The boys are developing their core strength and co-ordination at the trim trail. This helps them to develop the skills needed for progress in writing.
The boys are developing their core strength and co-ordination at the trim trail. This helps them to develop the skills needed for progress in writing.
We're building our confidence and developing a “Can do” attitude with peer support.
We're building our confidence and developing a “Can do” attitude with peer support.
Taking on big challenges together.
Taking on big challenges together.
I'm developing my gross motor skills in PE.
I'm developing my gross motor skills in PE.
I'm exploring a farm sensory tray for our “Green fingers” topic.
I'm exploring a farm sensory tray for our “Green fingers” topic.
The trim trail is a great opportunity to build positive connections between staff and pupils sharing the fun.
The trim trail is a great opportunity to build positive connections between staff and pupils sharing the fun.
I'm focusing on my sentence construction, and exploring emotions in my tasks.
I'm focusing on my sentence construction, and exploring emotions in my tasks.
The dramatic play area provides lots of opportunities for self expression, communication and literacy development.
The dramatic play area provides lots of opportunities for self expression, communication and literacy development.
Time for some numeracy tasks. Look how focused I am!
Time for some numeracy tasks. Look how focused I am!
Celebrating achievements instills confidence and promotes independence.
Celebrating achievements instills confidence and promotes independence.
I'm developing my mark making and have an opportunity to express choices when decorating my plant pot.
I'm developing my mark making and have an opportunity to express choices when decorating my plant pot.
Time to water the plants!
Time to water the plants!
We're taking turns during outdoor PE.
We're taking turns during outdoor PE.
I'm working on telling the time.
I'm working on telling the time.
A lovely art opportunity where I'm focused and enjoying the sensation of the paint brush on my hand.
A lovely art opportunity where I'm focused and enjoying the sensation of the paint brush on my hand.
Pupils are helped to understand routines through visual supports.
Pupils are helped to understand routines through visual supports.
I am developing my gross motor skills on the double trike with my staff
I am developing my gross motor skills on the double trike with my staff
Large scale Numicon shapes are an inviting path to step along outdoors, promoting my number sense.
Large scale Numicon shapes are an inviting path to step along outdoors, promoting my number sense.
I love opportunities for independent creative expression.
I love opportunities for independent creative expression.
The tyres help me develop my balance and coordination.
The tyres help me develop my balance and coordination.
Look- It's my butterfly!
Look- It's my butterfly!
Hard at work, and feeling proud!
Hard at work, and feeling proud!
Using play dough as an opportunity to explore measures- how long is the wriggly worm?
Using play dough as an opportunity to explore measures- how long is the wriggly worm?
Now I'm really focused on measuring more wriggly worms.
Now I'm really focused on measuring more wriggly worms.
I'm building up my attention for tasks through creative opportunities.
I'm building up my attention for tasks through creative opportunities.
I love to jump, swing and climb!
I love to jump, swing and climb!
Very focused for my table top puzzle!
Very focused for my table top puzzle!
I'm trying out a new bike and being so brave!
I'm trying out a new bike and being so brave!
Lots of wonderful language development at the small world play area.
Lots of wonderful language development at the small world play area.
I can develop my own ideas in the sand house.
I can develop my own ideas in the sand house.
Time to pot some plants, providing opportunity for number awareness.
Time to pot some plants, providing opportunity for number awareness.
Dramatic play extended to circle time- Who wants to be the teacher?
Dramatic play extended to circle time- Who wants to be the teacher?
Brilliant engagement with my flower printing activity.
Brilliant engagement with my flower printing activity.
Wonderful fine motor work here at play dough making wriggly worms.
Wonderful fine motor work here at play dough making wriggly worms.
Such fun pouring and positive bonding experience with staff.
Such fun pouring and positive bonding experience with staff.
I'm supported to do my tasks using my visual schedule.
I'm supported to do my tasks using my visual schedule.