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Kilronan School, Magherafelt

News - J8

23rd Sep 2024
Hi everyone, We are all back at school after our summer break.  We have been...

2023/2024 School Year

25th Mar 2024
January to March has been very busy in J8.  Our topic was Bright Sparks. We...
14th Mar 2024
As part of Science Week, we have been exploring shadows and how they are made. We...
13th Mar 2024
J8 really enjoyed a sensory story on Matilda by Roald Dahl as part of World Book...
6th Oct 2023
September was a very busy month getting used to our new school routine, reestablishing...

2022/2023 School Year

5th Dec 2022
J8 have really enjoyed their topic ‘Giants’. During this we looked at...
31st Oct 2022
J8 had a very ‘spooktacular’ Halloween in school! We explored many different...
21st Oct 2022
During Term one J8’s topic was “Out in the Dark”. This involved...
30th Sep 2022
In J8 we have had a busy September settling back into our school routine and redeveloping...

2021/2022 School Year

22nd Apr 2022
As part of our Topic our final Habitat was the Amazon Rainforest. The pupils were...