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Kilronan School, Magherafelt

Celebrating Math's Week 2019 in S3.

16th Dec 2019

Math’s Week took place between the 12th – 20th October 2019 and it was celebrated by all classes in Kilronan School.

S3 participated in a variety of math’s activities related to our topic “Measuring Up” and “Autumn”. We had a Shape Trail around the grounds. We picked out all the circles, including  manholes and wooden seats in the sensory garden. We learned about a half and what a semicircle. We used clay and rolled it into balls or flat pancakes. We cut the clay into halves so that both pieces looked the same size. We looked at the shapes of leaves, in particular, sycamore and oak, and made prints using the leaves.

We also visited Mc Connell's Shoe shop and all the pupils had their feet measured and did work back in school ordering shoe sizes and putting themselves in order of height from the tallest to the shortest. We participated in games, including the Buzz Game for mental maths, when we had to work out the missing number. We looked at repeating patterns in books and made our own patterns using items around us. We incorporated numeracy into our P.E lessons as well, counting our treasure in the Treasure Game and doing a variety of different body movements, a specific number of times. We also timed circuits and games to see how long they took to complete and who was fastest.

We also measured capacity using measuring jugs, a water tray and coloured water. We made containers full and half full.  We found out what a litre of liquid looked like using a measuring jug and other measuring gauges. We used  5 ml syringes to measure liquids up to 5 ml. 

We also cut apples in half first and then measured ingredients in cookery to make an apple crumble.